By Courtney Parker

Castleton Fire Chief Heath Goyette has been part of the fire service since he was 16 years old.  Born and raised in Vermont he has had the pleasure of calling Castleton home his whole life.  Goyette has been fire chief of the town of Castleton for about seven years and now at the age of 40 has more than 24 years of experience under his belt. When not at the firehouse, Goyette works full time for the town of Castleton Highway Department.  The Castleton Fire Department is a completely voluntary service and Goyette said he always can use more help around the station.
Photo Credit: Courtney Parker
What made you want to be a fire fighter?

It’s just something that I’ve always wanted to do since I was little.  My grandfather was a fire chief and seeing pictures of him all around the house influenced me.  I never had the chance to know him.

What do you like most about your job?

I like serving the community and have a good time doing it, so I hope I can continue doing this for a long time.

What is a typical day in the firehouse like?

We meet every Wednesday in the firehouse to go over budgetary items, plan drills and training exercises and discuss any problems or issues we’ve had in the past week.  And when we get a fire call in, we drop everything and go.

What was your most eventful or unexpected day on the job?

The most eventful day on the job was last year during the storm Irene.  We had to activate emergency management since there was so much damage.  We were getting 18 to 20 emergency calls coming in from people who had trees that had fallen on their houses and people who were in need of medical assistance.  We respond to a lot more than just fires.

Have you ever had a “close call”?

The closest I’ve ever come was during the last windstorm we had a few months ago.  There was a tree down and we were blocking the road and another tree fell, taking down a power transformer pole with it.  It landed about five feet from my personal vehicle, we all went running.   No one got hurt but I would call it a close one. 

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

Outside of work I do a lot of hunting and fishing.  Family is very high on my list too so I spend as much time with the wife and kids as I can. 

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