PicturePhoto by Rebecca Roe
By Molly DeMellier and Rebecca Roe

In the heart of downtown Castleton, masked by an aroma of hairspray and a floor dusting of split ends, lies Special Effects beauty salon.  

For nearly two decades owner Mary Diefendorf and co-worker, Kathy Traverse, have been the town’s beauticians and at times magicians.

 “Twenty years is a long time. You get little kids who turn into adults,” Diefendorf said.

 From the gossip to the changing hair styles, these women say they develop a bond with their customers. 

“It’s like another whole family that you get in your clients,” said Traverse. “I’ve done some kids since they were like two and they’re in their mid-twenties now.”

 According to Diefendorf, Special Effect’s client base is cyclical between seasonal lake residents and the college students. 
“It changes, but we always stay busy,” she said.

Diefendorf and Traverse keep their hands full and at times find themselves coming to their clients’ rescue.

“Kids will cut their own hair,” Traverse said.

Castleton student Tiaunna Leddick has witnessed a rare male hair crisis come to a resolution. She said during an appointment, a man walked in after shaving his own head and had missed a spot in the back. Since he was unable to reach the patch, the Special Effects stylists worked their magic.

It’s no secret that ladies will go to extreme measures to keep a hair appointment, even if it means challenging Mother Nature.

Diefendorf recalled one woman from Florida who spent her summers at the lake. In planning her salon commute, she did not budget her time for Vermont’s early-summer frost that painted her windshield.

“She stuck her head out the window to get here for her appointment,” Diefendorf said with a laugh. “Those are the diehard clients.”

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